Wednesday, July 5, 2017


Assalamualaikum and Hi,

Because of i felt so bored just now, I was thinking about baby dumping. Hmmm. Baby dumping? *Mad expression* Yeah, baby dumping. Usually this kind of freaking thing happen when people who don't have any education. NO EDUCATION. What do you think about throwing baby that just breath. Then you thrown them away just like that. Just imagine how much people that need baby but they didn't have any chances to have even one? Can you imagine how sad was they when they heard about dumping a baby? I'm not saying that everyone other then them don't have any feeling. That's not what i meant. It's just the sense of wanted to have child. NVM. 

So, let's talk about Baby Dumping. Actually, Me and my group have done doing research about baby dumping *Because we got this topic. So make senselah kan* Sometimes, i think that it's not their fault when those kind of thing happen. The thing is, education comes from home. The first person that the babies saw when they came to this world. Father and Mother the one who should educate them. Give them attention, religion, positive vibes and so on. Play with them so that they wont feel lonely. But. What if both parent are working? Hmmm. Let see. We will talk about this in next post okay? :) *As if i remember :P

So let's not waste our time.

  Lately, Malaysia is facing a serious issue regarding on baby dumping which is getting more chronic and is attracting a lot of attention. This social problem appears every day in newspapers and mass media. From the period of January to July 2010, the public was shocked, appalled and dismayed by the increasing reports of abandoned babies, some of whom were found dead. This incident  directly indicates that something is wrong in our society. What is actually the issue of baby dumping? It is not only just dumping new-born babies but it also refers to discarding or leaving them alone for an extended period of time such as leaving a child younger than 12 months in a public or private setting with the intent to dispose the child. 

The worse situation of this issue can also be seen when a girl gives birth in the school bathroom at night then throws the baby into the garbage or in the toilet bowl or when a baby is flung into the chicken coop or when a baby is swaddled in newspapers, left squalling in a fly-infested dustbin. Moreover, a baby abandoned under the harsh sun beating down on a wet rice field or even a baby stuffed into a cabinet drawer or worse still, a baby left on the doorsteps of people's home or in a mosque with notes attached to them.Can you IMAGINE this?! It is highly embarrassing, sad and the worrrrrrrst scenario is that it is happening in our society! 

Baby dumping is not the solution to a life problem and it could be charged under Section 317 of the Penal Code which carries a maximum jail term of seven years or fine or both according to the Malaysian law.

We can point our finger to anyone we want but this time we have to examine this social problem obviously. In my opinion, I think the lives of teenagers are too free without parent’s control.You can look what among of student did in campus or college. Some of them make a date try to do something as couple. Sometimes they make something further. Perhaps that “something” I shall call it as sumbang mahram. Every boy and girl has to know their limitation of relationship. Of course you can be friend with anyone but do not go too far when you be friend with the different gender. Islam teaches us about the relationship in Islam. Now, the girl must not wear the sexy clothes not because of order of people but this  order of Allah. We must follow Allah’s command and what had been written in Koran. Sexy girl dressing is one of cause why the banned relation could happen. It can rise up the boys ‘desire and passions. That is why social problem could happen. So girls, Put cho dress over your body hokay? Its for your own safety kot. Please be aware of any danger. I'm telling you because I care. If not i'll just ignore but how comeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee? *OVER k

In conclusion, baby dumping is becoming a common problem in our country and it is a problem that will never end without any solution. Immoral at should be severed from an early stage. There are many factors that lead to cases of baby dumping occurred. So, this problem should be addressed and resolved to carry out these steps effectively before the situation worsens and threatens the future of the country. So that, the religions and educational authorities must play their part organizing country’s programs and collaborate with parents to nurture the right values in the young. It is right if the government has taken the drastic step of categorizing baby dumping as a criminal act as a murder if it meets with all the legal specifications of one. The Government should gives heavier punishment to those who commit this appalling crime. In this case, all parties must cooperate and work together to solve this problem because like the Malay proverb says, “Because the sewer water round, round man for consensus”

That's all from me.Have a nice day :)
Muah ciked :*

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